5 Ways to Keep Yourself Fit While You Are at Work

Posted by in Career Advice

If you sit for more than six hours per day it can have a detrimental effect on your overall health and longevity. It is too easy to adapt to a sedentary lifestyle that is influenced by your day to day sedentary work activities, in an office environment. Health experts are constantly communicating the danger of mixing the combination of a poor diet and too little exercise. If you are working in a career in an administrative job, or are looking for one, here are some suggestions that can help to keep you more fit while working in this job.

Make it a point to get up and move around every forty to fifty minutes. Set an alarm to go off to remind you to stand up and move around. Even if you just swing your arms or take a deep breath, you'll feel more alert. According to exercise.about.com, “Walk down the hall and get a drink of water from a purified water cooler.”

Do some light exercises in your office. You can stand up and do some light stretching. One exercise you can do while standing, is to place your weight on your left leg and flex your right hamstring by clasping your right foot at the ankle with your right hand. Hold this form for ten to thirty seconds, and then repeat the process with your other leg. Do two or three sets for maximum results.

Next, adopt a strategy that makes it necessary to get extra exercise in the course of your normal work day. One example, if you work in a multi story building, is using the stairs instead of the elevator. By using this approach, you will use the stairs at least three times a day including leaving the building at lunch time.

Another suggestion is to use the bulk of your lunch break walking. Many people, when weather permits. will take a brisk walk with a friend for twenty minutes just before or after they eat their lunch. If the weather does not cooperate, they will walk indoors. They will walk inside their office building or drive to a nearby mall and use that walking space.

Finally, stand up and work whenever possible. By having your computer on a credenza, this will force you to spend a certain amount of time standing each day. There are office desks that you can purchase specifically designed for this approach to standing and working.

The key is to look for creative ways in which you can move around throughout your day, thus increasing your blood circulation and muscle tone. By doing so, you will be healthier, happier and more fit.

Tom Borg is a consultant in leadership management, team building and customer service. Please see more of his blogs at administrativejobsblog.com and businessworkforceblog.com . If you are interested in a better career in administrative jobs visit our site today job postings at Nexxt,


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