Cheat Sheet for a Communications Resume

Posted by in Career Advice

If you’re a job-seeker looking for a simple and easy source, here is the cheat sheet to a quick and effective resume:

  • Choose one font that is an easy to read font and NOT Comic Sans
  • Type doesn't have to be black; you can use a dark color like Navy blue, dark chocolate or deep forest green (FYI - Dark red looks like blood)
  • Don’t go overboard on decorations
  • Correctly spell your name and list your current address and working phone number
  • Include your email but if it has any reference to sex, drugs, politics or religion, set up a new one with just your name
  • Eliminate the “Objective” section and list “Skills” first, be detailed
  • Use headers and bullet points to break up the sections
  • No periods at the end of bullets
  • List related jobs chronologically
  • Skip short stints and out of field experience if you have to condense the content
  • Don’t write a reason for leaving; you can tell them in the interview
  • Add the city and state as to where the jobs were/are located
  • Under the first job title use at least 5 bullets and a minimum of 3 for any additional experience
  • Break down the bullets and say what they mean
  • Google the job title if you’re stuck; then copy, paste and paraphrase what you find that pertains to your experience
  • List continuing education as it relates to the position but incorporate dates only if the education is within the last 10 yrs
  • Don't include a list of studies you stopped before completion
  • Notate any special in-field training and certifications you may have
  • A “Volunteer” section should be used instead of “Interests”
  • If you don’t have any volunteer experience, get some
  • Only include interests that relate to the job
  • Offer references or phone numbers in the interview not on your resume
  • Double, triple, quadruple check for typos, grammatical errors and tense shifts
  • Print on a medium stock paper, not to light not to heavy
  • Save to a .pdf file
What do you think of my cheat sheet? Do you have any other tips to offer? Let me know in the comments.

By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for, she is co-founder of design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.


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