Finally - A Degree for Social Media

Posted by in Career Advice

Are you a social media junkie? Do you spend most of your life on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin? Is Tumblr your escape and time sink? Instead of focusing on your job search, are you distracted by all of your social media accounts? If so, you might be interested in using your skills in a great job in social media.


As more and more companies venture into the social arena, they are finding that they need employees who can manage and run their Twitter feeds, their Tumblr feeds and of course, their Yelp! Reviews, Foursquare check-in information and their Google+ accounts. The problem is, there is no way to really qualify someone for this type of job. After all, it's not like you can get a degree in social media.


Not until now, at least. Newberry College has just announced that they are offering a new degree in Social Media. According to their website, the new field of study will an interdisciplinary program that blends courses in Graphic Design, Communications, Business Administration, Psychology and Statistics with four original courses in Social Media. Students in this degree program will be able to create and manage social marketing projects and create branding strategies.


Social media use is still on the rise and people skilled in using social strategies for marketing are in demand. In fact, I found a great infographic from Onward Search that shows the average salary and hiring trends in the field. It's a little too big for me to post here, but according to their data, Social Media Specialists can earn anywhere from 30k to 71k annually. For Social Media Strategists, the figure can be much higher. As you would expect, the highest paying positions are located in large cities like Manhattan and Los Angeles. Still, there are great paying jobs even in smaller cities like Philadelphia, Chicago and Denver.


Because this is still a new and emerging field, the line is between Social Media specialists, Social Media managers and Social Media strategists is blurry. Having a specialized degree in this field of study really helps to set graduates apart from others entering the field.


Social media is a growing field and for those who already have a strong background in it's use, this could be an opportunity to build a career in an industry that's on the rise.


Would you be interested in a career in social media? Why or why not?


Image Source: OpenClipArt


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