Hints for Reaching Tablet Users

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Communications & Media

Forrester Research estimates that the number of tablet users will increase to more than 900 million by 2017. Tablet sales should also increase significantly during the same period, giving media professionals plenty of new opportunities to reach their audiences. Whether you want to increase brand awareness or spread the word about a nonprofit organization, communicating with tablet users is a great way to share your message.

Most tablet users view videos on their devices, making video messages a great way to reach people. If you decide to use this communication strategy, you need to understand what makes tablet users different from those who view content on their laptops or desktop PCs. Ginny Marvin of website Marketing Land suggests that tablet users are particularly active on weekends, so releasing your video at the right time is important. Tablet users also tend to use their devices to watch live sports, movies, and television shows. Keep this information in mind as you develop your strategy to reach iPad users and people who use other types of tablets.

Apple used to have a big lead in the tablet market, but other manufacturers have closed the gap. Microsoft hopes to sell approximately sixteen million Windows tablets during the holiday shopping season, and Amazon is constantly updating its line of Kindle devices. If you plan to communicate with tablet users, you need to understand how they use different devices. Before developing your strategy, you’ll need to conduct market research to determine how your audience members are using their tablets. For example, moms who use Android tablets spend about half their time playing games, but moms who use iPhones spend less than one-third of their time on that activity. This information can help you decide where to place your messages for maximum exposure.

If you plan to communicate with iPad users and other tablet users, you need to ensure your website has a tablet-friendly user interface. Avoid creating cluttered navigation menus or placing too much content in one location. If you decide to develop an app for your company or nonprofit organization, make sure you take the time to develop the features people in your target market will use. Work closely with IT and design professionals to ensure you use the right fonts and background colors for your audience, and develop your app based on the needs of your target market. What works for a people in their twenties is unlikely to appeal to elderly people in quite the same way.

When Apple introduced the iPad, many people doubted that tablets would ever catch on with consumers. Within just a few years, there were hundreds of millions of people using the devices to watch videos, play games, and share information. If you plan to appeal to tablet users with your campaigns, you must know your audience and understand how they use their devices. Developing user-friendly apps and website interfaces will also give you an edge over your competitors.


(Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net)


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