Looking for Jobs in All the Right Places

Posted by in Career Advice

Whether you’ve just started your job search or just started to feel the burn out from long term unemployment, consider the following list of places to look for a new position:

Job Search Engine – A large search engine site like Nexxt is a major hub of hiring. Not all companies use the major search engine sites but it’s a good starting point.

Field Specific Search Engine - There will be fewer jobs listed on career specific sites like RealEstateJobSite.com when compared to the generalized job search engines. However the jobs listed there will be higher quality hits to find something in your field.

Online Lists and Bulletin Boards – Sites like Craigslist.org and Kijiji are good resources when scouring for local jobs. Lots of times employers will save money fishing for talent with a listing before shelling out the bucks to sign on with a search engine. These sites also offer options for short term jobs to add experience and pad your pockets while waiting to land a permanent position.

Newspapers and Trade Journals – There’s still something to be said for sitting down with a cup of coffee and the classified ads. You probably won’t have a Hudsucker Proxy moment when you lift your mug to find that the ring left behind has left a stain circling the perfect position. Instead you will find employers who prefer print advertising and might not list anywhere else.

Job Fairs and Networking Events – When you’re looking for jobs in all the places mentioned above also keep an eye out for get-togethers that could get you a job. By continually connecting with peers and employers you will be able to add references and increase your resources.

On the Scene – Get out and going on your job hunt. Start window shopping for help wanted signs instead of sales. Find places where you want to work and ask for an application whether they are hiring or not. Leave a resume and take a business card so you can touch base later.

Wherever You Are – Let people know you’re looking at places you frequent. Church, the gym, and the coffee shop are all great places to overhear about an available opportunity. By slipping your job search query into casual conversation you’ll get leads you otherwise would have missed.

By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for RealestateJobSiteBlog.com, she is co-founder of design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.

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