Social Networking for Your Job Search

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Career Advice

The internet has brought some wonderful new tools over the last few years, that can help you to rapidly accelerate your job search through the use of social networking programs such as Spoke, LinkedIn, and others. These programs allow you to establish linkages between yourself and different people who you are associated with in business and in personal pursuits, and to also build your network forward and backward from a particular point in time, in terms of relationships that you’ve had over the span of your career history. When properly used, programs like LinkedIn can have a powerful network effect and allow you to rapidly harness the power of your network connections to enhance your career search. If you’re a sales and marketing professional at the executive or the mid-level and have lots of contacts, consider using one of these programs as one of the foundation strategies for your job search. It’s very easy to sign up for them and you’ll be amazed by the number of people in your network who already subscribe. We like LinkedIn in particular.

By using these programs build a web of connections, you can gain introductions to many people who you would not otherwise be able to gain access to. This is a very powerful tool when it comes to targeting companies and individuals that you’ll want to be approaching as a part of your overall job search.

If you are an employer and in the process of recruiting sales and marketing talent, using these programs to advertise your job postings is a wonderful way to attract top talent. We've successfully posted several jobs on LinkedIn and had great results, in terms of responses from people in our networks who are interested in the jobs we’re advertising for.

Other Programs such as Jigsaw also provide an outstanding platform for social networking and for developing contacts that can help you in your job search. We are a regular participant in Jigsaw and have found that a multiplier effect on our marketing efforts has been created as a result of having used this program.

So if you’re considering looking for a new career position or making a career move, make sure that you’re signing up for a social networking program. Talk to your friends to find out which ones they’re using. It will help you to greatly leverage your contacts for an enhanced career search.

About Cube Management
Cube Management provides sales acceleration services to emerging growth and mid-market companies in the technology, manufacturing, healthcare and business service sectors. The experts at Cube Management work across the entire spectrum of marketing, sales and business development to provide customized solutions that drive revenue and profit growth. Cube Management combines Strategy, Process & People to produce winning results. Download the Cube Management Recruiting Guide and the Cube Management Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide.

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