The Person in the Mirror

Posted by in Career Advice

When you look in the mirror who do you see? Is the person looking back at you your biggest cheerleader or your biggest critic? If you are like most people you see both of them.

Your Biggest Critic
Your biggest critic will stir the fear inside your stomach by bringing up your past mistakes and failures. It will remind you that no one really knows what the future holds; but surely there is adversity lurking and waiting. This silent voice will whisper words of caution and dread. It will flash images of defeat and a feeling of a sense of desperation.

Your Biggest Cheer Leaders
Your biggest cheerleader will remind you of all of your strengths, and that, despite the challenges you are facing, there are solutions that do exist, and that you just to have to keep on searching until you find them. If you are open minded, you will realize that, as motivational speaker, Denis Waitley says, “life is a do it to yourself” philosophy. In other words, it is not so much, “what happens to you” that is as important, as much as, “what you do with what happens to you,” that matters. Winning the internal game of success, depends on your willingness, despite your circumstances, to take responsibility for making things happen in your life.

You Must Knock First
Most of the time, it seems that your friends will call you, only after you have called them. Most new opportunities will come knocking on your door, only after you have knocked on their doors first. To be able to initiate success takes the willingness to believe in yourself, the ability to visualize what you want, to see yourself achieving it, and then taking action to finally succeed.

As you continue to look for your new career or job, realize that your self confidence and attitude will be challenged on a continual basis. Some days will be better than others, but please understand, that victory will come when you can look at yourself in the mirror and realize that it is ultimately you in charge of making it happen.


Tom Borg is president of Tom Borg Consulting, LLC. He is a business consultant, speaker, coach and author. He helps companies and organization become more profitable by increasing their value and lowering their costs through the professional development of their managers and employees.


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